Monday, November 2, 2009

Mr Vijay Anand Visit on 31stOct2009

Hi All,

First of all, thank you very much for attending the lively discussion. Even this is first time for me to meet him. He is really a talented, committed and simple guy.

I cannot join Indian political parties, as I do not have normal Indian citizenship. The only little I can do is to support them for bringing change in India and Indian society. As Mr. Vijay said, even 10000 NGO idividuals or groups cannot bring change in India even in 100 years. Only governments can make India a developed country. So, there is a great need for us to support LSP.

We dont need to donate lakhs of rupees. But, every little helps. It would be great, if all of us or most of us take Executive membership by paying $200. I know $200 sounds a lot for some of us. However, a party needs legitimate funds for functioning. And those funds should come from the people like us, who wants to see India as a developed country and every citizen enjoying equal opportunities. Otherwise, our next generation will be left at the mercy of criminal politicians. India has given us all great opportunities and good careers. We are lucky in many ways. There are lot of people, left out because of lack of opportunities. It is time to pay back a little.

Think: Odarche pedavula kanna, Sayam chese chetule minna.

I requested my father to go to Hyderabad to campaign in GHMC election for LSP. Even in 63, he is going for it. I don't think, he can or would expect a political career at this age, but love to give some fruits (Good politics) to next generation of India.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Join LSP and work with LSP to bring change.

I am not saying LSP is a 100% perfect party. But it is 1000 times better than any other party in India. And certainly has potential to change India.

Join LSP at

Discuss your questions or watch the discussion of volunteers and even some patriotic persons here.

"The silence of good people is more dangerous than the brutality of bad people." -- Martin Luther King

I know you are all good people. Don't be silent. Join LSP.

Let me know, if anyone of you like to me to add to "Supporters of Loksatta Switzerland" google group.



  1. Good work Sunny. Keep it up. We are all doing our bit to promote loksatta in India.

  2. Nice to see LSP supporters in action in Swiss.

    I believe people who are far way can actually make real contributions thanks to modern communications. For the upcoming GHMC elections, you can make a difference by writing blogs and opinions in various forums.

  3. Vijay Anand is sure an inspiration to us NRIs. I am glad that you had a motivational encounter with him.
